Tag Archives: Police Virus

Police Departement University of California – Removal Guide

Police Departement University of California - Removal Guide

The Police Departement University of California, “Your Computer has been locked” also known as the Police Virus is one of the most common malware infections around the world. This variant of the Trojan-Ransom.Win32  with a picture of the FBI Anti-Piracy Warning that pretends to be from the Police Departement University of California. When your computer is locked, and you are seeing a message Attention! Your computer has been blocked for… Read More »

Jandarna Genel Komutanligi ransomware removal guide

Jandarna Genel Komutanligi ransomware

The Jandarna Genel Komutanligi ransomware, “Jandarna Genel Komutanligi” – “Bilişim Teknolojileri Inceleme Laboratubar Amirliği” – “Directorate General of Turkish National Police” also known as the Jandarma Virus or PoliceVirus is one of the most common malware infections around the world. This variant of the Trojan-Ransom.Win32.Urausy of Turkey pretends to be from the Jandarna Genel Komutanligi, Bilişim Teknolojileri Inceleme Laboratubar Amirliği and Directorate General of Turkish National Police. When your computer is locked,… Read More »

Angencia Federal de Investigacion virus removal guide

Angencia Federal de Investigacion virus

The Angencia Federal de Investigacion virus, “Secretaria de Seguridad publica SSP” – “Procuraduria General de la Republica PGR” – “Angencia Federal de Investigacion” also known as the FBI Virus is one of the most common malware infections around the world. This variant of the Trojan-Ransom.Win32.Urausy of Mexico with a picture of Enrique Peña Nieto that pretends to be from the Secretaria de Seguridad publica SSP,Procuraduria General de la Republica PGR and… Read More »

Unite Speciale de la Police (USP) virus removal guide

Unite Speciale de la Police (USP) virus.jpg

The Unite Speciale de la Police (USP) virus, “Computer Incident Response Center Luxembourg” – “Unite Speciale de la Police (USP)” also known as the Politie Virus or Police Virus is one of the most common malware infections around the world. This variant of the Trojan-Ransom.Win32.Urausy of Luxembourg  with a picture of Henri Albert Gabriel Félix Marie Guillaume that pretends to be from the Internet Police Departement, Cybercrime Unit, Computer Incident Response… Read More »

The Guardians of the Peace of Ireland Ransomware removal guide

The Guardians of the Peaceof Ireland Ransomware

The Guardians of the Peace of Ireland ransomware, “The National Crime Prevention Unit” also known as the FBI Virus, Police virus or MoneyPak Virus is one of the most common malware infections around the world. This variant of the Trojan-Ransom.Win32.Urausy of Ireland with a picture of Michael Daniel Higgins Limerick that pretends to be from the Guardians of the Peace of Ireland and the National Crime Prevention Unit. When your computer is locked, and… Read More »

Nemzeti Nyomozo Iroda Police virus removal guide

Nemzeti Nyomozo Iroda Police virus

The Nemzeti Nyomozo Iroda Police virus, “Nemzeti Védelmi Szolgálat” – “Országos Rendör-fökapitányság” also known as the FBI Virus or Moneypak/FBI Virus is one of the most common malware infections around the world. This variant of the Trojan-Ransom.Win32.Urausy of Hungary with a picture of János Áder that pretends to be from the Police Nemzeti Nyomozo Iroda, Nemzeti Védelmi Szolgálat, Országos Rendör-fökapitányság, Rendörseg Police. When your computer is locked, and you are seeing… Read More »

Cyprus Police Emergency Response Unit removal guide

Cyprus Police Emergeny Response Unit

The Cyprus Police Emergency Response ransomware, “Μηχανοκινητη Μοναδα Αμεσης Δρασης (Μ.Μ.A.Δ.)” also known as the Police Virus is one of the most common malware infections around the world. This variant of the Trojan-Ransom.Win32.Urausy of Cyprus with a picture of Nikos Anastasiadis that pretends to be from the Cyprus Police Emergency Response Unit and Internet Police. When your computer is locked, and you are seeing a message ΠΡΟΣΟΧΗ! Ο αποκλεισμός του υπολογιστή σας έχει… Read More »

Comandancia General de policia ransomware removal guide

Comandancia General de policia ransomware

The Comandancia General de policia ransomware, “Unidad de investigaciones Especiales (UIES)” also known as the FBI Virus, Moneypak/FBI or Police Virus is one of the most common malware . ransomware infections around the world. This variant of the Trojan-Ransom.Win32.Urausy of Equador with a picture of Rafael Vicente Correa Delgado that pretends to be from the Comandancia General de policia,Internet Police, Cybercrime Unit and Unidad de investigaciones Especiales (UIES). When your computer… Read More »

Remove FBI virus using HitmanPRO Kickstart


With HitmanPRO.Kickstart you can easily remove every Police virus or Remove FBI virus (Ransomware) from your computer. When your PC has been infected with this kind of ransomware you see a message, supposedly from the police, FBI or other authorities, demanding that a fine must be paid in order to unlock the computer. Payment is done via prepaid cards from Ukash, MoneyPak or Paysafecard. Be aware! because your computer is not… Read More »